Well we have asked the girls and they have opted for football.....or soccer as we in North America call it. I like the term football. It makes sense unlike the football we know as CFL and NFL. Don't get me started!!
So Hailey and Zoey have told us they wanted to play soccer and they have 1 practice and 1 game a week each. Yes! So that is Monday to Thursday practice and games! I'm looking forward to seeing them play and learning the team aspect of sports and how to play with other kids.
It is also much cheaper than hockey!! I need to buy shin guards and cleats but that is it. The league supplies the uniforms and also gives the kids a free soccer ball. I will keep you updated when the season begins which I think is in May.
That's so awesome that the girls are doing soccer! Are they already doing it or just starting in the summer. If the schedule permits, Olivia will play soccer this summer as well, we're pretty darn excited! We bought a couple pairs of cleats at value village this past weekend - they are totally adorable! Keep us updated on the soccer or Fussball, if you use my language. :-)